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Avantor Sciences

Connections Needed for CYCLE-TAINER Solvent Delivery System


Question What type of connections do I need for CYCLE-TAINER solvent delivery system?

CYCLE-TAINER solvent delivery system uses Quick-Connects for the solvent and gas lines. Here is a summary of the Quick-Connects that are needed for a basic installation:

  • QT-2 Quick-Connect _" male NPT connection for gas port.
  • QT-2 Quick-Connect _" male NPT color-coded, keyed Quick-Connect connection for solvent port (4 L, 18 L, 52 L, and 215 L only).
  • QT-8 Quick-Connect 3/4" male NPT color-coded, keyed Quick-Connect connection for solvent port (1250 L only).
  • Tube fittings:

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