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Avantor Sciences

Gas Requirements for CYCLE-TAINER Solvent Delivery Systems


Question Do I need to have a gas source at my site in order to operate the CYCLE-TAINER solvent delivery system?  What type of gas source would I need?

Yes, a gas source is required to pressurize the container.  Here is a summary of the requirements for the gas source:
Type and Quality: High purity (99.999%) nitrogen, argon, or helium is required.  Do not use pressurized air.

Pressure: The gas source must have the ability to deliver at least 15 psi for non-ASME containers or 40 psi for ASME containers.

Tank Size: Any size gas tank should work since they are typically pressurized in excess of 1000 psi. Even a small tank is sufficient to pressurize and empty several CYCLE-TAINER solvent delivery system containers.

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File CIQA-0164 Gas Requirements for CYCLE-TAINER Solvent Delivery Systems.pdf
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