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Avantor Sciences

CYCLE-TAINER System Plumbing and Piping Guide


Question Can Avantor Performance Materials provide guidance on plumbing solvent delivery systems throughout my lab?

After the solvent dispensing method is selected using the , the next step is to consider the location of the CYCLE-TAINER system within your facility. This Answer will provide guidance on components to complete CYCLE-TAINER system installation.

Your company safety officer is responsible for ensuring compliance with local fire and building codes and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes, particularly NFPA 301 and NFPA 452. Some key considerations for installation include:

  • Maximum container size allowable by local regulations, building codes, and company policies.
  • Allowable proximity of the CYCLE-TAINER system to the point of solvent use according to local regulations, building codes, and company policies.
  • Requirements for storage area of full and empty CYCLE-TAINER system containers according to local regulations, building codes, and company policies.

Other factors to consider include:

  • ASME CYCLE-TAINER system containers should be used if plumbing from distance or if higher flow rates are required.
  • Keep hoses and tubing dedicated to single chemical product to maintain purity and quality.

CYCLE-TAINER systems can be located next to a fume hood or analytical instrument and connected with flexible tubing. Installations using rigid, mounted tubing can enable distribution of solvent throughout your facility to multiple points of use.

Please click on the link below which includes "Typical Parts used in CYCLE-TAINER System Installations" and Engineering Schematics for two common CYCLE-TAINER system installations (schematics illustrates a remote container storage scenario with multiple dispense points and depicts a system for direct feed to small process or analytical instrument).

Plumbing and Piping Guide

File CIQA-0148CycleTainerSystemNFPA.pdf
Keyword CTS, Cycletainer, NFPA
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