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Avantor Sciences

Empty CYCLE-TAINER System Container Shutdown and Removal Checklist


Question How do I remove and prepare a container for return to Avantor Performance Materials?

Follow the container removal steps:

  1. Close the solvent valve (VS) first to prevent back flushing into the container.
  2. Close the gas valve (VG).
  3. Remove all customer-owned equipment.
  4. Disconnect the gas and solvent quick-connects (QCG and QCS) and replace the dust caps on both quick-connect male stems on the container.
  5. If applicable, disconnect the liquid level indicator connection (LC) and the pressure relief vent lines from the container.
  6. Disconnect the facility grounding cable from the CYCLE-TAINER grounding terminal (GT).
  7. Replace the transport cap for the pressure relief valve (PRV).
  8. Replace the transport cover for the pressure rupture disk assembly (PRDA), if applicable.
  9. Reseat the container dust cover.
  10. Reseal the container dust cover with tamper evident straps that arrived in the chime at the time of receipt.

The container can now be moved to your shipping area for return shipment. Before shipping the container, use the return shipment checklist (attached)to ensure proper shipment. The completed checklist can be kept for your records.

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2018 Avantor Performance Materials, LLC.

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CIQA-0160 Empty CYCLE_TAINER Shutdown,Removal Checklist_R.0.pdf

Keyword CTS
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