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Avantor Sciences

Metered Dispensing using LabTec Smart Dispensing System


Question Do you offer an automated CYCLE-TAINER system dispenser?

Scilog offers a variety of versatile liquid handling devices. The LabTec Smart Dispenser System provides high precision dispensing by weight or volume in aliquots ranging from milliliters to liters. The LabTec system automates accurate dispensing of solvents from CYCLE-TAINER systems while maintaining a closed system to ensure solvent integrity. Contact SciLog, Inc. for information and additional accessories.

LabTec System.jpg

Ordering Information:
8845 S. Greenview Dr. Suite 4
Middletown, WI 53562
Scilog Customer Service: 1-800-955-1993

SciLog Catalog # Description
100-349 DILU LabTec MP-320 with Model 122 Magnetic Gear Head
080-059 Foot Switch for remote On/Off control of LabTec.
080-095 Printer for documenting solvent use.

LabTec is a trademark of Scilog, Inc.

Trademarks are owned by Avantor Performance Materials, LLC. or its affiliates unless otherwise noted.

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