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Avantor Sciences

Lot/Batch Numbering System for US Released products


Question Do you have a description of Avantor Performance Materials lot number system for US release products?

On August 30, 2021, Avantor updated its SAP system to an enhanced and established SAP system at our Paris, KY and Phillipsburg, NJ sites. Due to this update, there have been visible changes made to the batch numbering system, Certificate of Analysis, and Labeling.

The following changes apply to products that are manufactured at our Paris, KY and Phillipsburg, NJ facilities:

Our Finished product numbers are currently assigned sequentially from our SAP system. Batch numbers will now be defaulted upon creation in SAP with the typical following logic:

YY = Year
M = Month:
A    January    E    May    I    September
B    February    F    June    J    October
C    March    G    July    K    November
D    April    H    August    L    December
DD = Day of month
@@ = Plant number (61 for Paris, 62 for Phillipsburg)
XXX = Sequential Counter

The first batch assigned at our Paris plant on October 6, 2021: 21J0661001

The batch number does not reflect the manufacture or release date of a product.

Batch Numbers April 30, 2012 – August 29, 2021

J.T.Baker® and Macron Fine Chemicals products display a 10 digit batch number on the container label. Batch numbers are generated by SAP numbering system. Each batch of product is assigned a sequential, non-repeating batch number that consists of 10 numerical digits. The batch number does not contain any encoded date or plant information.

Lot Numbers prior to April 30, 2012

On April 30, 2012, Avantor Performance Materials implemented SAP's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system for our United States facilities. Due to the system changeover, products are now labeled with a Batch Number instead with a Lot Number. The Batch Number is synonymous with Lot Number. The following information describes our Batch/Lot Numbering System.
J.T.Baker and Macron Fine Chemicals products display a 6 character lot number on the container label. Each lot of product is assigned a unique lot number, and can be explained as follows.

The first character is a letter, designating the year. The schedule of letters is:
2000 = T    2005 = B    2010 = J
2000 = V    2006 = C    2011 = K
2002 = X    2007 = E    2012 = L
2003 = Y    2008 = G     
2004 = A    2009 = H     
The second and third characters indicate the week of the calendar year in which the lot number was assigned; i.e. all lot numbers assigned in the first week of the year would be 01.
The three remaining characters represent an internal manufacturing identifier, represents a unique lot of material, and may be numeric or alphanumeric, e.g. 015 or C30.
For example, Lot Number L16A06 corresponds to the 16TH week in 2012.

File Batch Numbering R2 .pdf
Keyword lot, numbering, batch number, batch, lot number, product code number, part number 
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