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Avantor Sciences

Compendial updates for Avantor Products

Specification update practice for Avantor regulated products.  

The specifications for our regulated products such as U.S.P., N.F., F.C.C., Ph.Eur., B.P., and J.P are updated prior to the official date of the revised pharmacopeia. This revision practice keeps our specifications for those products current. Batches of material that are released on or after the official date of the pharmacopeial revision will be subject to the revised requirements. Any material that is released prior to the official date of the revised pharmacopeia may be tested to the requirements that are current as of the date of release from the lab.

Per our procedure, compendial specification changes (USP, NF, FCC, ACS, EP, BP, JP) are evaluated as Level 1 changes per IPEC and USP guidelines and will not be communicated to customers.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Technical Services

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