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Avantor Sciences

Buffered Oxide Etch (BOE) Data


Question Do you have some information about the etch rate and properties of your Buffered Oxide Etch products?

Below is a table with the freezing point and etch rates for buffered oxide etch mixtures.

Table 1269. Buffered Oxide Etch Data

NH4F HF Freezing Pt. (F) Freezing Pt. (C) Etch Rate (A/min) ER Range
5 1 64 17.78 1100 100
6 1 56 13.33 940 70
7 1 49 9.44 800 70
9 1 40 4.44 660 30
10 1 37 2.78 600 70
40 1 21 -6.11 145 30
30 1 22 -5.56 185 30
11 1 34 1.11 550 70
6.5 1 53 11.67 860 70
20 1 26 -3.33 300 50
6.8 1 50 10.00 830 70
4 1 76 24.44 1280 100
6.25 1 53 11.67 900 70

The attachment below contains graphs of the above data. Please save or print this information for your files.

File CIQA-0138_BOEEtchrate_R0.pdf
BOE, 5359, 5192, 5360, 1178, 5569, 9289, 5361, 5173, 5419, 5334, 5320, 5098, 5175, 5439, 5332, 5109, 5338, 9294, 5568, 9291, 5326, 9293, 5329, RATIO
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