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Antifoam B Emulsion- Product Information


Question What is Antifoam B and how is it used?

Antifoam B Elmusion (Product No. B531)is a water-dilutable silicone emulsion that is designed to control foam in aqueous systems.

Uses: It can be used for a variety of industrial applications. Typical applications include:

  • Cooling tower processes
  • Fermentation applications
  • Latex-concrete formulations
  • Detergent solutions
  • Insecticides

How to Use:

  • Amount needed- Antifoam B works effectively in very low concentrations. One to 100 parts of active silicone per million parts foamerissufficient to eliminate most foams. Begin trials at higher use levels (50ppm active silicone), then work down to the level of foam control desired. The following are ppm equivalents:
    • 33.4 ounces in 500 gallons = 50 ppm
    • 66.7 ounces in 1000 gallons = 50ppm
    • 166.8 ounces in 2500 gallons = 50ppm
    • 50.0 quarts in 25000 gallons = 50ppm
  • Adding the Antifoam- To produce optimal foam control, the antifoam must be completely dispersed in the foaming medium. Follow these steps to achieve complete dispersion:
    • Agitate the product prior to use
    • Pre-dilute with 3 to 10 parts of cool water to aid in dispersion. Add the antifoam to the water with slow mixing. Pre-diluted material should be used immediately.
      • If the system can provide adequate agitaion to disperse the antifoam, the antifoam elmusion may be added directly without predilution being necessary
    • Add to the antifoam prior to the point where foaming occurs within the system, if possible

Typical properties:

  • Appearance: White
  • Specific Gravity: 1
  • Viscosity: 350cp
  • Storage: Store at room temperature. If frozen, it can be thawed and used without loss of product efficiency.
  • Nonvolatile Content: 15-17%

Trademarks are owned by Avantor Performance Materials, LLC. or its affiliates unless otherwise noted.
2021 Avantor Performance Materials, LLC.

File CIQA-0091 Antifoam B Emulsion R1.pdf
Keyword Antifoam B use, Antifoam B
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