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Avantor Sciences

Spill Kit Gloves - Do they contain latex?


Question Are the gloves included within your spill kits constructed of latex?

No they are not constructed of latex or natural rubber. The gloves in the spill kitare constructed of nitrile.
The gloves are included with the following spill kits:

J.T.Baker 4434-03 Laboratory Spill Cleanup Center Kits
J.T.Baker 4437-02 Solvent SAF-T-SPILL Kit
J.T.Baker 4441-02 Caustic SAF-T-SPILL Kit
J.T.Baker 4442-02 Acid SAF-T-SPILL Kit
J.T.Baker 4456-07 NEUTRASORB Acid Neutralizer

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2018 Avantor Performance Materials, LLC.

File CIQA-0195 R.0 Spill Kit Gloves Latex Content.pdf
Keyword 1402, 4434, 4434-03, 4437, 4437-02, 4441, 4441-02, 4442, 4442-02, 4456, 4456-07, spill, kit, gloves, latex
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