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Avantor Sciences

For product information such as BSE/TSE, Allergen, GMO, and Residual Solvents, enter the 4 digit product code in the AskAvantor search.


Question For product information such as BSE/TSE, Allergen, GMO, and Residual Solvents, enter the 4 digit product code in the AskAvantor search.

If your product is a USP/NF, FCC, or Multi-Compendial grade, a Product Regulatory Datasheet (PRDS) should be available to download.
PRDS are not available for non-GMP grade (Management of Change (MOC) code-N and NI) materials.

To better serve your company’s needs, please contact your Sales Rep for a possible GMP alternative if you require regulatory support.

Trademarks are owned by Avantor Performance Materials, LLC or its affiliates unless otherwise noted.
2019 Avantor Performance Materials, LLC.

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