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Avantor Sciences

Preventing CYCLE-TAP Dispenser Toggle Valve from Being Left Open


Question How can I prevent the CYCLE-TAP dispenser toggle valve from beingheld in the open position while unattended?


By design, the CYCLE-TAP dispenser toggle can be operated as a spring loaded trigger toggle or held open for continuous dispensing. If you want to disable the "hold open" feature you can install a spring-return pin. The spring-return pin stops the valve from being left in the open position.
Spring-return pins can be purchased from R.S. Crum & Company using the ordering information below.

R.S. Crum & Company
Telephone:(908) 232-4444
Product Description: Spring-return Pin for 1G Toggle Valve
Part Number: 302-6PR-0054

The spring-return pin can be easily installed by inserting it into the spring-return pin hole on the toggle valve handle.
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